Pocket Toys

dogs with pram

These little Dogs were designed for Embroiderer’s Guild Magazine back in January for the May edition. You might have seen it … but this is the whole family! … A downloadable pattern rather than a physical kit, but patterns for all three sizes, stitch map, stitch guides, and instructions.

As I said in the article, simple little pocket toys, as my mother called them, were very much part of my childhood. Growing up with a mother who was always making enchanting things, I was again reminded of these little pocket toys she would make for me when I was very small, made from little scraps of fabric and thread, buttons and beads. They were a little secret comfort on the first day of school, or if I was staying over at a friends house, anytime I felt a bit wobbly. which as a rather anxious child I often needed a little confidence boost and reaching into my pocket to find a small friend was always reassuring and would then give me the little push I needed to go ahead and launch myself into the school sandpit, or take a step onto the school bus (terrifying!)

These toys form a part of a collection which I am working on for this year, hopefully collectable for other less than confident children!

Below is one of my favourites from that 6 year old child’s pocket, the corduroy caterpillar is the original and the others ones I made recently from felt. The pattern is coming in the next day or so, just working on it now in fact. But he is the perfect size for a small pocket.

group of dog toys
The Dog Family
Little dog felt toy to make
Mr. Dog
dogs with pram
Mr.Dog being a modern dad and taking pup for a walk. Pram from Tiger I think!


Below is one of my favourites from that 6 year old child’s pocket,

the corduroy caterpillar is the original and the others ones I made recently from felt. The pattern is coming in the next day or so, just working on it now in fact. But he is the perfect size for a small pocket. But for the maker too a great way to practice some more elaborate stitches or even invent your own by combining a couple … but coming soon, when I have got them ready! a mermaid, with fish and a variation of the folk doll from Modern Folk Embroidery


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